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Key Guidelines For Selecting Right IVF Strategy To Boost Pregnancy Outcomes

Intrauterine insemination (IUI) and In vitro fertil­ization (IVF) are distinct forms of assisted repro­ductive technology(ART) utilised to help women conceive when they face difficulties achieving preg­nancy naturally.

During IUI, sperm is injected directly into her uterus. IVF is a multi-step reproductive technology that involves egg stimula­tion, retrieval, lab fertilisa­tion, and transfer.

Intrauterine insemina­tion (IUI) is a fertility treat­ment that involves direct­ly inserting sperm into a woman’s womb. Intrauter­ine insemination – a type of artificial insemination – is a procedure for treating infertility. Sperm that have been washed and concen­trated are placed directly in your uterus around the time your ovary releases one or more eggs to be fer­tilised.

source…read more: https://independent.ng/key-guidelines-for-selecting-right-ivf-strategy-to-boost-pregnancy-outcomes/