Olugbemi. Adeyinka Ogunleye 3 weeks ago
Why honey is regarded as a relatively safer sweetener in diabetics 'Scientists
Sugars, used as sweeteners, are an important ingredient of human food. However, the best sugar, jaggery, or honey option depends on the unique dietary needs and goals. Table sugar is the most processed, with little to no nutritional value besides pure sucrose. While table sugar tastes delicious, excessive intake has been related to a variety of health concerns, including weight gain, diabetes and tooth damage.
Jaggery, a traditional sugarcane or palm sap sweetener, is less refined than sugar and contains minerals and antioxidants. Its lower glycaemic index makes it a healthier choice for individuals who monitor their blood sugar levels. The glycaemic index, simply put, is a measure of how quickly a food causes blood sugar levels to rise. The measure ranks food on a scale of zero to 100. Honey, a bee-produced natural sweetener, is the least processed of the three. It includes trace levels of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, and its low glycaemic index makes it an appealing option for those looking for a healthy sweetener.
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