Olugbemi. Adeyinka Ogunleye
1 month ago
Nigeria’s mismanaged goal of Pentecostalism
The Nigeria’s mismanaged goal of pentecostalism is evident in its origin, nature and teachings. Of great importance is the stark contradictions in word interpretation and character of some church leaders. Why is pentecostalism still driven by religious deceit, greed, envy, jealousy, insatiable want and rebellion just like in the beginning? The origin of pentecostalism could be traced to Martin Luther, a German Catholic Priest of the St. Augustinian Order and the most influential progenitor of global protestant reformation ordained in 1507. Even as a priest, his views audaciously differed from the overall teachings of the Roman Catholic Church. This eventually altered the world of Christianity and pitched Luther against the church. According to Wikipedia, “Luther became convinced that the church was corrupt in its ways and had lost sight of what he saw as several of the central truths of Christianity.” Among many challenges he posed to the Roman Catholic Church, “was his interest in the doctrine of justification which is God’s act of declaring a sinner righteous by faith alone through His grace.”
His doctrine challenged the authority and office of the pope by insisting that “the Bible is the only source of heavenly revealed knowledge, and opposed sacerdotalism – religious belief emphasising the powers of priests as essential mediators between God and humankind and deeming all baptised Christians to be a holy priesthood.” Luther insisted that; Christians “must not slacken in following Christ on account of such false assurances.” His opinion, logic and position though reasonable to some extent angered the Catholic Church which brooks no dissenting views and tendencies contending with her position on any matter. The Catholic Church is a kingdom ruled in line with its age long unique structured tradition and peculiar systems. The church has lived and dealt with convergence of views contrary to what she practices and believes in. It was unheard of to have such audacity of challenge emanating from within – from an ordained priest. Pope Leo X in 1520, ordered Luther to forsake all of his writings and new beliefs. But Luther refused to comply and in January 1521, he was excommunicated. In response, Luther proclaimed that, “I am bound by the scriptures I have quoted, and my conscience is captive to the word of God. I cannot and will not recant anything since it is neither safe nor right to go against my conscience. May God help me. Amen!” Even with Luther’s acclaimed religiosity, his ignoble role in support of Jewish annihilation during Hitler-Nazi led world war I was an irony of life led by a true Christian or reformist.
Luther’s theological experiences and belief system formed the basis of Lutheranism which birthed the proliferation of global pentecostalism. The reformer taught his adherents that, “salvation and consequently, eternal life are not earned by good deeds; rather, they are received only as free gift of God’s grace through the believer’s faith in Jesus Christ, who is the sole redeemer from sin.” Almost all the global pentecostal churches are known descendants of Lutheranism and since have adopted the above philosophy and approach as their guiding principle. However, instead of remaining one entity in the body of Christ, his followers found the doctrines they earlier believed in wanting and the Lutheran church began to disintegrate. The church as expected continued to transform and introduce reforms which was the idea in the first place by breaking away until we got this pentecostal disaster in our hands. The idea assumed rightly to fire up the body of Christ was mismanaged. The confusion and disparity; the obvious desperation for church transformation created within itself and in the body of Christ will take ages to resolve. Pentecostalism could be likened to the tower of Babel. Nobody hears or understands anybody. Cacophony of teachings, varying opinions on the same God and the Holy Bible have made it difficult for the sheep to understand which shepherd is leading the right way especially when all of them claim to be led by the same God and the Holy Spirit. Pentecostalism has turned Christianity into a laughing stock and a full business enterprise. The use of psychology of theology to influence followers to act in a certain manner has become the order of the day.
Almost every pastor wants to be seen and heard. They struggle for traditional and social media spaces for attention. Almost if not all pastors now perform miracles and healing to the point of even internally micro-managing some. They have forgotten to identify and utilise that special gifts God gave to each of them. They jump into predictions and prophesies of all ridiculous kinds including miracle money alert, winning of elections and football games. Some pray for con men to hit it big while voodoo chiefs have accused many of patronising them for potency. Tithing which is an old testament advice has been elevated to a high pedestal by many who insist is a way through which none can make heaven. They instill the fear of losing heaven if one does not pay tithe. One key element of pentecostalism is that of rebellion. Rebellion begets rebellion and the trend has continued to befall its existence. Silent envy, jealousy and the love of money is one big problem of pentecostalism. How to share proceeds accruable to the church has pitched junior pastors, members and the senior pastors against one another. A man will be serving in a certain church under a pastor only for him to claim hearing or called by God. In some instances the prodigal pastor incites members against his master and depart unceremoniously to establish his. That was why makeshift churches dot almost every street with four members of the pastor’s family singing and clapping in loneliness for God’s miracle and wonders. Why would you leave a church where you have served God for years for another new church to continue worshipping the same unchangeable God of miracles? They will tell you that if your church cannot change you, you should change your church.
Many church members have been battling with how to confront deceit on pulpit. Some have been duped of their hard earned resources by their general overseers. Families and marriages have been broken as a result of pastor’s erroneous counsel. Many members have humbly obeyed the instructions of their pastors to sow a certain painful seed for God to bless them only for them to find out that they were influenced one way or the other when the said blessings never came. Many pentecostal pastors who mount the pulpit have created their own myths, doctrines and teachings referencing the Bible for validation. That was why recently one Abel will say something and another Suleman will disagree. Has God become an author of confusion? Funds generated through crusades, payment of tithes and other subtle means have created multi-millionaires and azonto pastors. Pastors who sell wrist bands, handkerchiefs, soaps, holy water and anointing oils for protection cruise around town in private jets, armoured vehicle including security men wielding AK-47 riffles.
Some were kidnapped and they willingly paid ransom instead of invoking the so-called power of protection in their holy wares. The church should always be a shining example, a city built on the hill, and, therefore, pastors should practice what they preach. Nigeria with the highest number of churches in Africa is the poverty capital of the world. China without the God of Israel leads in global development indices more than Nigeria which has over 23,000 churches, according to reports. The former which buys and converts folded industry buildings and warehouses into churches goes cap in hand borrowing from the latter which paid attention to technology, good leadership, discipline and hard work. One had thought that prayers rendered daily in homes and offices; occasions and churches every week, at mid-week services and in crusades would have added value to lives and transformed the nation. However, the nation is rapidly-dangerously retrogressing. Prayer does not compensate for nepotism, laziness, bad leadership and incompetence. The goal of Christianity and pentecostalism would only be achieved when Christ is seen to live and reflect in us while the scripture truly becomes our intention and only guiding light
Article by: Sunday Onyemaechi Eze on Blueprint.ng